Developments to Multi-Faith Prayer Rooms
Multi-faith prayer rooms have been set up and refurbished at East Sussex College’s Eastbourne campus this month.
The College has dedicated multi-faith prayer rooms for use by both staff and students. The rooms offer a quiet space for prayer and reflection. Staff and students attending the College follow many different faiths or none, and come from a wide variety of cultural and religious backgrounds.
The multi-faith prayer rooms have been refurbished and decorated by the College’s facilities team in Eastbourne. ESC Eastbourne has three multi-faith prayer rooms, in Tyler House (next to room TH 214), Grove House main entrance (just to the side of the automatic doors) and Grove House first floor (opposite the lift doors).
Numerous students from the College’s Eastbourne campus that are part of the Muslim community have already visited the facility since it’s development and the initial reception has been overwhelmingly positive.
Muhammad Bilal Anwar, part of the Muslim community at East Sussex College (EFL/ESOL programme lecturer and HE Wellbeing Mentor), said, “A big thank you from the Muslim community at college for your efforts to set up prayer rooms (multi-faith rooms). I, along with some Muslim students visited them and they look fantastic.”
If you are a student wishing to use one of the rooms, please speak to your Study Programme Tutor. If you are a member of staff wishing to use one of the rooms please contact the College reception.