Unleashing Wellness

Hastings Plaza

Lewes Campus

Positivity pebble painting

Organised with the mission to empower young minds and bodies, the recent Health and Wellbeing events were brimming with workshops, stalls, and activities that catered to your physical and mental wellbeing. One standout feature was the participation of Nationwide, offering insightful workshops on financial wellness—because a healthy wallet contributes to a healthy mind.

Stall holders at the events included local gems like Mr. Hastings and St Leonards, NHS, Xtrax, Mind, and iRock. These organisations brought a wealth of information, support, and resources directly to you, creating a space where you could connect with your community and access essential services.

Physical wellbeing took center stage with the presence of clubs like ESC Dance, Hastings Rugby, Wave Leisure, and Plaza Gym. Whether you're into dancing, rugby, swimming, or hitting the gym, these clubs showcased the diverse options available for staying active and fit in your local area. The best part? You could sign up right there, taking the first step toward a healthier lifestyle.

And for those moments when you needed to unwind, there were opportunities to indulge in some well-deserved self-care. Hand massages were on offer, providing a moment of relaxation amidst the bustling events. After all, taking care of your body is an essential component of overall wellbeing.

The collective energy at these events was contagious, creating an atmosphere that celebrated the importance of prioritizing health in our fast-paced lives. Whether you were gathering information from stalls, breaking a sweat with local fitness clubs, or simply enjoying a soothing hand massage, the events were designed with your wellbeing in mind.

These Health and Wellbeing events weren't just about a one-time experience—they aimed to kickstart a journey towards a healthier and happier you. So, if you missed out this time, keep your eyes peeled for future events. Your community is here to support you on your wellness journey, every step of the way. After all, a healthy mind and body are the foundation for a fulfilling and vibrant life. Cheers to your wellbeing!


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