Eastbourne Student Notices

I hope you have all settled after your first week here at the college. This week we have lots of exciting events going on!

  • Fresher’s Events

    • Tuesday 17th September: Film Sing-A-Long

    • Wednesday 18th September: Football Tournament

  • Sports Clubs and Timetable

    • Football, Rugby, Netball, Dodgeball, Badminton and Basketball

  • Unity and Belonging Survey

  • Clubs and Societies

    • Film Society, British Sign Language Club, Games Club, Eco Society, Book Club (*TBC)


Tuesday 17th September

Film Sing-A-Long

We are returning with our Film Sing-A-Long!

This time we will be showing… The Greatest Showman.

There will be free cakes available and it will run from 12.30pm onwards in King’s Restaurant.

Singing and Dancing is encouraged but by no means compulsory.

Wednesday 18th September

Fresher’s Football Tournament

We have the return of our Eastbourne Football Tournament, where students form teams and go head to head.

The winning team will each receive £10 Love2Shop Vouchers.

This will be held at the Sports Park on the 3G pitch.

Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/215huYDN0E

Sign ups close on Tuesday at 4pm.

Wednesday 25th September


·         Rodeo Bull

·         Crazy Golf

·         Hungry Hippos Inflatable

·         Gel Blasters

·         Festival Makeup

·         Canine Concern (Therapy Dogs) – Bookable by Tutors

·         Garden Games

·         Photography area

·         Live Music

There will also be stalls from ESC departments, external services we work closely with, employers and local businesses.


·         Free Burgers – Student Sign Ups are encouraged (first-come first served)

·         Free CandyFloss (first-come first-served)

·         Free Slushie (first-come first-served)

·         Free Soft Drinks (first-come first-served)


This is the Sports Timetable for Eastbourne.

Below are Google Classroom links for you to join any you are interested in.

Google Classroom Links:

Netball: https://classroom.google.com/c/NzEwNTM2OTk5MTM3?cjc=frhfbos

Basketball for All: https://classroom.google.com/c/NzExMDUyMjk0NDU5?cjc=ki5eczo

Dodgeball for All: https://classroom.google.com/c/NzEwNTM0NzMxOTk0?cjc=zfb5jmt

Each Football Session has their own google classroom, please attend the session first and ask for the classroom code.


We want to hear from you. We are conducting a survey to understand your experiences with bullying, sexual harassment, and hate crime. Your voice matters, and your feedback is important to us.

Why take part?

  • Share your experiences confidentially.

  • Help us identify areas for improvement.

  • Contribute to positive change in our college community.

How to take part:

  • The survey is anonymous and takes just a few minutes to complete.

  • Your responses will be used to inform policies and support services.

  • Please click on the link



We have several clubs and societies available on our Eastbourne Campus. Please register your interest to find out more about when they are starting up, below:




Eastbourne Student Notices


Eastbourne Student Notices