Even with a ‘new year, new me’ mentality we still need to make sure we are looking after ourselves both physically and mentally.

At East Sussex College, we think this is important so we are putting on a series of events in January and February to support students and encourage students to take next steps physically and mentally.

If you need to speak to someone regarding wellbeing then please get in touch with our Safeguarding and Wellbeing Team:

Eastbourne: 07980049312

Hastings: 07848442081

Lewes: 07823668772

  • Lewes Campus

    Our Lewes campus will be kicking off Health & Wellbeing week on Tues 28th Jan, with organisations such as OneYou, iRock, Greenpeace, Wave Leisure, Samaritans and Lewes Climate Hub. There will be free samples, lots of advice and resources available!

  • Eastbourne Campus

    Our Eastbourne Campus will be celebrating on Monday 27th Jan with Canine Concern coming to visit in EC116 from 9.30am to 11.30am. This is to be booked by tutors. We will also have an event on Wednesday 29th Jan with external providers and college departments giving away freebies, key information and activities happening in the Refectory from 12pm to 1.15pm.

  • Ore Valley Campus

    On Thursday 30th of January, from 10:30am to 1:30pm, we will be having different organisations coming in to raise awareness and support for students physical and mental health and wellbeing.

    We will have One You running a smoothie making stall, the sexual health team will be in giving away condoms, keyrings, and C cards, our wellbeing team will be running a stall for student to find out information and support that is in the area, as well as a couple more stalls for you to come and engage with.

  • Station Plaza Campus

    More info coming soon…

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