Lewes Student Notices

If you have any questions or would like to know more about Student Experience why not come and find me, Tessa Echalaz in Student Services - Room 147, or feel free to drop me an email - tessa.echalaz@escg.ac.uk.


During your time at East Sussex College, you’ll be logging all your enrichment, careers and work placement hours on Navigate.

PLEASE NOTE - You need to use Microsoft Edge browser to access Navigate. Click below to sign up.

Coming up…

World Mental Health Day - Tues 10th October

Every year we celebrate World Mental Health Day on 10 October. The theme for 2023, set by the World Foundation of Mental Health, is ‘Mental health is a universal human right’.

Click on the below for some awesome resources, including podcasts, 85% discount for students on the Headspace app, videos and more!

African Drumming Workshop - Mon 16th October

We are really excited to announce that we will be running some African Drumming workshops to celebrate Black History Month. Taking place in Lewes on Monday 16th October, at 10.50 – 11.50.

Booking is essential, please sign up for your place via the form below.

LGBTQIA+ Group Meeting - Tues 17th Oct & Wed 18th Oct

We’re pleased to announce the first LGBTQIA+ meeting of the term! Open to all students, facilitated by staff members, Rosie Briffitt, Guido Bowen and Tessa Echalaz.

  • Tues 17th Oct, 12.15pm - 14.45pm


  • Wed 18th Oct, 12.15pm - 13.15pm

  • Room 209

Feel free to join the Google Classroom by entering the code: nsnx3z7

Student Council Training Session - Thurs 19th Oct

For the two successful student representatives from every course, there will be a training session taking place in the Lewes Lecture Theatre on Thursday 19th Oct at 12.30pm.

The session will have pizza and if students have dietary requirements it would be helpful to know beforehand so we can cater by emailing Tessa Echalaz (tessa.echalaz@escg.ac.uk).

Black History Month - October

October sees the start of Black History Month, and we will be celebrating in various different ways throughout the month.

Head over to the My Student Life (MSL) webpage, where you can find lots of resources and information.

Union Black: Sounds of a Nation

A free online multimedia exhibition has been launched to celebrate black British music, with DJ Trevor Nelson as ambassador.

Featuring documentaries and podcasts from a range of contributors, highlights include a 60-year history of black British music, a discussion on black women in R&B, and a ‘today and tomorrow’ section celebrating the next generation.

Clubs & Societies

We have a whole variety of clubs including; Basketball, Film, Choir, Netball, Journalism, Digital Marketing and more which you can join by clicking below.

If you would like to start a club or society then I would love to hear from you! Drop me an email tessa.echalaz@escg.ac.uk

Don’t forget…

To take advantage of this amazing offer!

And this one!

Student Guide

Whether you are a new student or a returning one, our ESC Student Guide will help you throughout the academic year.


Lewes Student Notices


Lewes Student Notices