Coming Soon
What could we do better?
You Said: More Work Experience opportunities.
We Shall: Arrange an employer visit which has resulted in more opportunities for WEX.
You Said: Longer lunch and breaks
We Said: Unfortunately we are unable to facilitate this request due to time tabling constraints. Any longer breaks would also result in staying longer at the end of the session.
You Said: To be allowed to wear earphones in lesson.
We Said: Unfortunately we are unable to facilitate this request as learners need to be able to hear instructions in the workshops.
You Said: We would like Pool Tables at ATC.
We Will: Provide ATC with a Pool/ping pong table.
You Said: Better (bigger) outdoor area and cover
We Will: Investigate the feasibility of a larger covered area/porta cabin for the ATC
You Said: Better food options at ATC
We Shall: Food is an ongoing issue we have re-raised it with the appropriate department to find solutions.
You Said: Class is too big which causes disruption in lessons.
You Said: Better printing access.
We Will: Inform the learners where the other printers are, and change the structure of the sessions so learners are not all performing the same tasks at the same time.