Eastbourne Student Notices
Welcome back! We hope you all had an refreshing break and are ready to roll into this next term. There is lots coming up on campus over the next few weeks - so make sure to keep an eye on the notices and the posters going up to see what might interest you.
*There is also a sneak peak at the events we have going on at the bottom of this page*
Welcome Back
Don’t forget, students are back in college on Thursday 4th January!
The New Year
While the New Year can be exciting, it can also present its own challenges. If you ever need to talk, there are many places you can reach out to in the way you feel most comfortable.
The Eastbourne Wellbeing Team are available during college hours; you can self-refer or be referred by your tutor.
Togetherall is a free service with your college email address, which is a 24/7 online support community.
24 Hour Numbers
116 123
0800 0684141
Call NHS 111 and select the Mental Health option
0800 1111
0808 2000 247 .
0808 800 4444
January is usually a time for new beginnings, so why not consider joining a club or society? Or even propose your own!
If you would like more information about the clubs and societies we offer, please follow the links below.
If you would like to propose your own club or society please fill out the form below.
Shape your Space
East Sussex County Council wants to consult young people aged 14-18 on how they use East Sussex Libraries. This will help them improve the services they offer to young people, particularly around using libraries to study.
They’re asking what library services you already use, what services you want to use in future and what you feel will improve your library experience.
The deadline to respond is: Sunday 18 February 2024.
If you would like to take part please follow this link: Shape Your Space - Young People's Library Consultation - East Sussex
What’s coming up?
Below there is a sneak peek at the events happening over January and February 2024. BUT, do not fret if there is no Eastbourne Campus Event date yet, as some are still being worked on!
W/C 29th January:
Health and Wellbeing Week
Eastbourne Campus Event: 2nd February
LGBTQIA+ History Month Begins
World Cancer Day
W/C 5th February:
National Apprenticeship Week
Safer Internet Day
Eastbourne Campus Event: 9th February
Chinese New Year
W/C 19th February:
LGBTQIA+ History Month
Eastbourne Campus Event: 23rd February
W/C 26th February:
Student Council Meeting
Eastbourne Campus: 29th February